"But will you travel?"

When I am asked if I am willing to travel for a wedding or shoot... these photos are the reason I sound an emphatic "yes!!". I love Ontario's landscape and get the added bonus of both enjoying it and photographing while en route. So...YES! I travel.


 Copenhagen, Stockholm and Amsterdam. I looooooove those places and their people. They got their stuff together. I mean... really got it together. I am still trying to figure out how I can move to one of those places. 

Moody Morning

It is so interesting how something like fog can completely alter the tone of a scene. It was a moody morning around these parts.

#workorplay Italy edition

ack!! This was the best place I have ever visited. This was work, not a personal vacation. (I know! Trust me...I know!)  Italy was never on my bucket list. I don't know now why it wasn't, but it wasn't. And now I am fully convinced that every single being on the planet should see Italy. Put it on YOUR bucket list...now! ...go! You will thank me. I promise.